Chapter 17: CH-17 - SPEEDRUN
Chapter 17: CH-17 - SPEEDRUN
Chapter WORDS -5783
"____" are used for text
*____* are used for either background noise or time-skips
[____] are used to switch between POV
'____' are used for thoughts
'isn't it the same island where Chopper was made king, the plot of the third movie?' Holy shit, I remember now, this island is where Chopper is gonna be king for some time. and other than that, i don't know anything.
'But, it might be interesting.'
"WHOA" Luffy screams in surprise, making us go above the deck, where we see the sea erupting with massive geysers.
"what the-" before Nami could speak up, one of the Geysers hits the Merry, sending it flying to the sky.
"WE ARE GONNA DIE!!!" Usopp screams in fear, clutching the Stair's handle with his life, all of us also grab anything we can find ourselves on. Chopper grabs the mast with his little Hoots, trying to clutch it with his life.
"NOOOO, I DON'T WANNA DIE!" Chopper screams in despair, not wanting to die a crushing death. he hold on the Mast tightens, before it loses a little when-
"LAND!!" Sanji screams while pointing at a land which is visible now that we are on the highest point in the sky reachable through these Geysers, Nami recognises the island.
"Look, It's O-Kan Island." All of us look towards the Island, where the Geysers surround it. The steam from the geysers make a crown-like ring which surrounds the island similarly to the geysers.
"Whoa" Chopper looks in awe, and i look at him, knowing that he is gonna be the Main character for this situation, but i don't know what is gonna happen. this Crown-like island is beautiful, the most beautiful thing i have ever seen since coming to this world-
"From what I know, O-Kan Island is populated by Anim-AHHHH!!!" I start explaining to the crew, before the ship starts falling down due to the gravitational force, since my eyes are still on chopper, i see him lose his hold on the mast and get sent fling-
"LUFFY!! CHOPPER-" Luffy immediately turns and looks at Chopper almost flying out of the ship, so he extends his hand, grabbing onto Chopper's Antler and yanking him back to the ship, where Chopper grabs onto the nearest person-Sanji.
"THANK YOUUUUU LUU-" Chopper screams his thanks while crying like a baby, but before he could finish, the ship crash-lands on the Far-shore of the Island, making us collapse to the ground due to the backlash. After a couple of seconds of Merry Stabilizing herself, we finally calmed down from the rush (except me, who is always calm).
"T-Thank You Lu-Luffy!" Chopper Huffs, trying to calm his sacred heart while also thanking Luffy, Luffy shrugs it off, while all of us settle down and take a couple of breaths.
I, while still not knowing that I changed Chopper's fate on this island, look around to figure out where we are. I open my Map to check if there are any threats, and I notice that while the entire island is recorded in my map (Due to me seeing it in its entirety in the sky), the little details such as caves, cities etc are not visible.
In the map, I see some white dots coming towards us, meaning that they are not hostile, but not also our ally.
"something is coming." all of us look towards the forest, hearing heavy footsteps coming towards us, zoro readies his sword, while Usopp gets scared, but still equips his slingshot and aims at the opening.
The beings who come out of the opening from the jungle are a group of bizarre looking animals, one of them including a parrot that is bald while also carrying a stick. The Bald Parrot is a large bird with green feathers. He has a bald spot on the top of his head and a dark spot on his yellow beak. He has a topknot from his feathers and carries a staff with a curled tip.
"hello there, who are you people?" Usopp, Nami and Chopper scream in fear when hearing a parrot talking to them, even though they have seen an animal talking (though the circumstances are different). Luffy speaks up, excited to see a talking animal.
"My name is Monkey D Luffy, and we are the pirates of the sea. Who are you, Baldy?" Luffy grins. while the Parrot makes a comment About "Pirates huh?" while scratching his chin with his feather-like fingers. i use observe on him-
Elder Of The O-kan Island
Lv42 Bald Parrot
i skip his stats since i have no interest in his-
'Wait, I forgot about seeing my crew's stats.' i wanted to do it in alabasta, but all the stuff going on that time, i forgot about it-
'Observe'- i look towards the weakest of the crew, Nami-
Navigator Of The Strawhats
HP - 1900
STR:- 89
VIT (HP):- 99
DEX (AGI):- 66
INT:- 102
WIS:- 83
LUK:- 65
Nami is the Navigator OF the Strawhats and was Born in Cocomi Islands in East Blue. She Likes Money, Tangerines and Her sister Nojiko. Nami has a bad experience with Pirates but she is able to move on from that and become a proud pirate herself.
Emotions - Scared, Agitated, Annoyed.
"-This Island is composed of all animals, and I am the elder of this island. Now come, i'll show you something." The bald Parrot turns around, making me snap out from looking at the status screen and see the crew going out of the merry to the island. It seems that Luffy And Chopper have made friends with these animals.
I store Going Merry in the inventory, and after we started walking inside of the jungle, The parrot starts explaining stuff to the crew, which honestly, i do not have any interest in. The 3rd movie of One Piece is said to be the most boring movie of all time, and when i watched it, i completed that movie in 3 days, since i couldn't stand watching it continuously, it was that boring.
i ignore whatever the bald parrot is saying, while continuing the status screen-
Sniper Of The Strawhat Pirates
Lv??? Usopp
HP - 3100
STR:- 120
VIT (HP):- 105
DEX (AGI):- 73
INT:- 90
WIS:- 99
LUK:- 65
Usopp is the Sniper OF the StrawHat Pirates, and Was Born in Gecko Islands Of East Blue. He likes to Lie, invent stuff and wants to become a Great Warrior of the sea, inspired by the Giants he calls Masters. His Life is constantly difficult with him battling with his cowardice and his intention to become a Proud warrior.
Emotions:- Excited, Anxious.
'oh!' So Usopp is over level 50 as compared to me huh? that's interesting.
The Dancer Of The StrawHats
Lv??? Bentham
HP:- 9100
STR:- 290
VIT (HP):- 405
DEX (AGI):- 210
INT:- 78
WIS:- 120
LUK:- 40
Bentham is the Dancer Of the Strawhats, and he was a bounty hunter in east blue before joining Baroque Works and then Strawhats. He likes Dancing and Spinning and he values friendship over his own life. His favorite person in the world is Emporio Ivankov and his dream is to meet him someday.
Emotions- Excited, Entertained
'God damn' Total stat is over 1000, plus his HP is insane. the highest i have ever seen.
Devil Child
Lv??? Nico Robin
HP:- ???
STR:- ???
VIT (HP):- ???
DEX (AGI):- ???
INT:- 240
WIS:- 210
LUK:- 54
Devil Fruit:- Hana Hana No Mi
Nico Robin, otherwise known from her epithet 'Devil Child' is an archeologist of the StrawHat Pirates. She was born in Ohara Island, West Blue and She likes to find answers to hidden information. She Suffered in her childhood, and is waiting for the family that her friend, Jaguar D Saul told her about.
Emotions - Amused, Curious, Interested
'god damn.' Robin is built differently. no physical stats are visible, meaning she is stronger than i can see right now. If I had to guess, the reason why I cannot see her stats is due to the difference between my stat and hers. similarly to level being hidden if it is more than 50 times than mine, i also think stats are also included. with it being 500 times mine. so i could guess Robin's STR, VIT,DEX being over 500 at this point.
Plus, her title is different from the strawhats, which would include her current Epithet in the world, since according to Mr -NOTHING-, Knowledge is copied from this world, and currently, Robin is called the Devil Child.
Lv??? Tony Tony Chopper
HP:- 6720
STR:- 198
VIT (HP):- 340
DEX (AGI):- 210
INT:- 200
WIS:- 90
LUK:- 65
Devil Fruit - Hito Hito No Mi
Tony Tony Chopper, otherwise known from his Epithet 'Monster' is the doctor of the Strawhat Pirates. he was born and raised in the Drum Island Of The Grandline and he likes to help people regardless of their profession. Abandoned from a young life, he values his crew to be his family.
Emotions- Excited, Anxious, Curious
'Monster?' Did the world government already give Chopper a bounty? The fact that they gave him this kind of epithet, means that they are taking him somewhat seriously, unlike Oda's running joke.
Cook Of The StrawHat Pirates
Lv??? Vinsmoke Sanji
HP:- ???
STR:- ???
VIT (HP):- ???
DEX (AGI):- ???
INT:- 108
WIS:- 120
LUK:- 65
Dormant - Modified Human
Vinsmoke Sanji is the Cook of the Strawhat Pirates. he is born in West Blue and the Ex-Prince of the Germa Kingdom. He likes Cooking, Women and Smoking. Due to his childhood, he respects women and hates people who waste a single drop of food. He has made home with his crew and respects all of them, excluding his rivalry with Roronoa Zoro.
Emotions- Curious, Calm, Alert
'lol' the status really had to exclude Zero from the list of people whom Sanji respects.
Three Sword Hunter
Lv??? Roronoa Zoro
HP:- ???
STR:- ???
VIT (HP):- ???
DEX (AGI):- ???
INT:- 65
WIS:- 150
LUK:- 65
Roronoa Zoro, or otherwise known from his Epithet 'Three Sword Hunter', is the Main Combatant Of the Strawhat Pirates. he likes Swords, Liquor and getting stronger. Due to this childhood, he pushes himself to near exhaustion to achieve his dream. Zoro has made peace with himself to the fact that his crew is his ride or die. He respects Luffy and is willing to put down his life for him.
Emotions - Alert, Bored, Calm
'Did the epithet change?' That is the only reason I could think of for Zoro's title changing. but honestly, it sounds awesome and is a really cool parallel to Sanji's future Epithet 'Black Leg'. which would add to the agenda of Minority Zoro.
And at last-
"-When the island bears a crown, the Heavens shall bestow upon us a new King of Beasts. the prophecy stated this, and today is the day where the king would be crowned." The parrot says, making me look at him. while i was ignoring him most of the time, i still kept an ear out.
"Wow. King of the beasts, that's awesome." Chopper looks at the parrot in awe, while I humorously look at Chopper, knowing that it is about to be his title soon.
I look over to Luffy, summoning his status screen.
Lv??? Monkey D Luffy
HP:- ???
STR:- ???
VIT (HP):- ???
DEX (AGI):- ???
INT:- 15
WIS:- 7
LUK:- 95
Devil Fruit - Hito Hito No Mi - Model: Nika
Monkey D Luffy, or otherwise known from his epithet 'StrawHat' is the captain of the Strawhat Pirates. His dream is to be the king of the Pirates, the Free-est Man in the world.
Emotions - Excited, Happy
Luffy has the smallest description of everybody I have used to observe at. but it doesn't really matter, since my attention goes to the moving animals of this island. There is a square Rhino, which is a Rhino but it's body's square in shape, an animal that looks like a mixture of a dog and a big, a hippo with hair and a lion's mane, and so on.
"WOW!!" Luffy, Chopper, Usopp and Bentham all rush towards the animals in excitement, while the bald parrot explains what these animals are. Chopper is the most curious about the explanations, asking questions while also talking to the animals. the rest of us (Me, Nami,Sanji,Zoro and Robin) just sit down in the group, seeing the Quads enjoying themselves-
The place shakes, and we all look over the field to see smoke clouds forming, and inside them, are animal;s that are running.
"It's Horn Eaters, Let's Run away" the parrot screams and then starts flying, while Chopper and Usopp move back to us, with Bentham and Luffy standing there.
"Oi Luffy, Bentham, Don't think of doing anything stupid and just come back here." Nami shouts at them, but they don't listen, too mesmerized by the Rhinos. but they snap out of it and run back towards us-
but unfortunately, also bring with them the rhinos. Horn Eaters are large herbivorous armadillo-like rhinos which like to crush people in their stampede. All of us start running, with Luffy and Bentham catching up to us.
"Oh Come On Man!" i look at bentham and Luffy in annoyance, since i did NOT Want to run while killer rhinos try to well, you guessed it-
kill me.
We eventually stumble across a camp where we see 3 dudes. two of them standing for a person, and that person is eating something that looks like horns. the person notices us, and stands up, spreading his hands to the side to introduce us.
"Well Hello There My Dear Friends, I am Earl Battler, a genius zoologist and inventor who has invented a violin to control the Horn Eaters. Now, you might be wondering what I am using this violin for, well. Thank you for asking, since I will gladly tell you.
My goal here on this island is to get the treasure from this island that can 'Shake the Universe'. yes, I am talking about the mysterious horns that are available on this island that can grant me the power to destroy this world." Battler is a grayish-skinned man with purple lips. His hair is magenta and is sat up in a mohawk shaped like a musical note. Battler wears a finely dressed ensemble of clothing which includes a yellow jacket. The writing on the back of his jacket reads "EVIL".
all of us, including his companions look at him dumbfounded, while he looks at us proud. before realizing what he did and grabs his head, shaking it again and again.
"Well, since our Leader introduced himself, it is understandable that we also will introduce ourselves. oh, hello young ladies, what beauties you are. I am honored that you want me, Heavy, the world's most beautiful man." Heavy is a normal sized skinny man with black, short hair and stripe like marks on his face and hands. He wears a red-gold suit with large shoulder pads that resembles a matador's.
He tries to grab Nami and Robin's hand while trying to compliment them, but both of them move their hands, visibly disgusted by just looking at this shit. Sanji looks pissed off, and Zoro looks at the other person.
"i Am Hotdog, the strongest man in the world." Hotdog possesses an extremely muscular body which is covered in many scars. He has elderly features like a wrinkled, stooped face and balding white hair. Zoro looks annoyed at this statement, but my eyes go towards the Violin that Battler has, while remembering something.
'horns?' If I remember correctly, this bastard ate some kind of horn that turned him into a monster. This horn was the previous king's horn. I get an idea, a devious one.
'What if I get that horn for myself?' If I get that Horn for myself and give it to the chopper, then he might be able to do something with it. like enhancing his rumble balls while also enhancing Luffy's.
"Oh no. I said too much." With that exclamation, Battler takes out his violin and starts playing the violin, making the place shake with the rhino's weight and speed. i immediately disappear and summon a random sword, rushing front while mentally calculating the distance where battler will be, I escape the ID and appear right in front of Battler, slashing at his violin-
and cutting it in half. This freaks Battler out and he jumps back, scared.
"AHHH!!" immediately, his two lackeys jump on me, ready to kill me with the elderly fucker having a chain and the ugliest dumbass having a sword. but as I expected, my own lackeys jumped in front of me to protect me. Zoro and Sanji.
""You Piss Me off" BOth Sanji and Zoro exclaim at the same time to their adversaries, and then start fighting with them. While normally, Zoro and Sanji are easily able to defeat anyone in their path (at least the second and third strongest fighters of a group) , both Hotdog and Heavy are not bad themselves.
"Gumu Gumu No-" Luffy jumps in the air, throwing a pistol straight at the terrified Battler, knocking him out.
"Sanjuroku Pound Ho/Mouton Shot" Both Sanji and Zoro call out their strongest attack, finishing their respective enemies. all of us just stand there, before Nami asks me why the hell i would attack the dude, with me shrugging. Eventually, we decided to explore the island and divide ourselves into teams.
One team has Luffy, Usopp and Zoro, the second team has Robin, Bentham and Nami, WIth me, Chopper and Sanji being the last team. while Sanji complains for a couple of minutes, he comes back to his normal self while we go exploring.
After an hour of just mindless exploring ( but me wanting to find out the previous king's body), we enter a cave where we see a big Lion- thingy with Golden horns. I immediately know that these are the horns that Battler ws talking about as I remember these being the horns that Battler ate. I decide to rip the horns out, with Sanji and Chopper trying to stop me from doing it.
"This might be real gold y'know. what would Nami think if we left it like that? Plus, I guess this might be the 'treasure' that the violin guy talked about." Sanji complies immediately by thinking about how Nami will congratulate Him on finding something like this, and Chopper being excited for the treasure.
With Sanji's help, we remove the horns and I store them. After this, we regroup with a Hungry Luffy and a Robin who is holding a log book, which she reads and realizes what the treasure might be. though, that's when the bald parrot comes with some new people.
"GET OUT OF HERE IMMEDIATELY." A Child around the age of 10 to 12 years old screams at us. This boy, named Mobambi rushes towards us while having a made-up knife with rocks and sticks. He jumps at Robin, who easily side steps and uses her power to make the kid drop the knife.
"GET OUT OF THIS ISLAND." Even at the cost of his life, the little shit screams at us to leave. which, after some discussion where I subtly hint at me acquiring the treasure, we decide to leave. we walk towards the shore and then I Summon Going Merry, all of us climbing on it and it starts to sail away from the island.
After some considerable distance away, Usopp Notices someone at the shore we left from before, the little kid who is being held by the parrot and some other creature, bawling His eyes out while waving at us. Luffy Grins, waving back. but that's when i remember ( cough *Conveniently* cough) that the horns were important to the kid, since the lion was the one who raised the king.
I feel guilty about destroying such a kid, but when I think about the pros about these horns, the guilt is nowhere. Plus, the kid is some random person who is a movie character with little to no importance, so I console myself while making a little child cry.
I bring up the horns for Nami to Check it, and when she says that it isn't gold, I toss it into the chopper, explaining that it might be useful for him since he also has antlers. Plus, horns might have some 'power' as the legends state. Chopper, while not interested, decides to accept this anyways. As a doctor, nothing is more fun for him other than doing medical stuff.
we continue sailing, and things start becoming normal, the climate changes, my sleepiness which leads to my near death beatdown by Nami, Me experimenting stuff with Usopp, helping Sanji with Cooking and Zoro with Weights, sitting beside Robin while she either asks me questions or us sitting silently, me enquiring Chopper on the progress on his experiments, talking shit with Bentham, and Having Fun with Luffy.
Eventually, the Marines jumped at us, leading me to make us disappear from their view. while Luffy wants to fight, Nami keeps him in check, after some considerable distance, i remove the ID, right in front of a fog. There are barely visible rocks but thanks to Nami's skillful navigation, we come out of it and in front of us, appears an island.
Since we are short on food ( even if it was the storage unit), we decided to get some food on this island. When we dock on the island and go out, we see a goat, which runs away when Luffy tries to eat it. it then brings along more goats, making Chopper realize that someone is making these goats attack them.
an old man falls from the trees, and from his status screen, his Name is Zenny. I read his status, and found out that he was a debt collector 20 years ago. He collected debt from pirates, and his wish was to become a pirate. The dude gets a heart attack from thinking that Zoro is gonna cut him, so Chopper nurses him back to health, where he discovers that the dude has 3 days to live, so Luffy decides to help the Old man live out his days in peace.
To be honest, I don't remember a single thing about this filler episode. so, I am as clueless as the other strawhats, so I decided to kick back and relax, while just enjoying myself. This break also allows me to take a breather from all the chaos in the seas and Marines.
After three days, when Zoro notices that the old man has lived past his expiration date, they understand that the old man's will to live has been re-awakened by Luffy, so Chopper makes up some medicines for the old dude. The old dude decided to become a Pirate, so all of us helped him by developing his boat into a usable one. eventually, I put it in my inventory which almost gives the old fucker an heart attack, and drop it in the shore of the islands.
The ship is boarded by Zenny and his Goats, and after talking to them one last time, we give a farewell to them. I didn't even think about them being part of the Grand Fleet, since they would be useless anyways.
With the goodbye done, we leave the island. we pass through the mist and go towards our journey, and a couple of days later, we arrive at yet another island. this time meeting some people named Macus and Bonney, with little kids named Amanda, Milia and Hoty. While Amanda is being a dick, some pirates come and try to kidnap Amanda, with Luffy saving them, before falling asleep. They almost kidnap them, but I along with Zoro and Sanji come on the ship and beat up all the members of the crew, including the ship's captain Zap.
The reason why Luffy fell asleep was because Sanji put a sleeping powder on the food to make Luffy be a little quiet. Eventually, Luffy wakes up and after staring down the adults of this mis-fit group, they explain the situation about some kind of treasure that Amanda's dad found on this island. Nami wants the treasure and she strongarms the rest of the crew into helping her find it
At first, Amanda is not cooperative, but Robin notices the unusualness of this island, and after looking around the entire island, we find a cave which leads towards a giant structure. Zoro cuts it off, making the entire island shake and 'open' itself. The island was actually a massive Clam, and inside of it is a massive pearl. Nami looks at it in an almost orgasmic feeling, but then realizes that there is only one treasure, leading her to almost cry.
Amanda has tears run down her face, but before someone could address it, we are shot at by a ship, which belongs to Bayan, who killed Amanda's father for the treasure he found. After realizing this, the crew deal with all the soldiers, gaining more loftsome EXP and helping Amanda.
After that, we leave while Nami has tears running down her face from looking at the beautiful pearl. I sigh, annoyed at us going through this damn filler shit. it would have been better for me to be in the Manga verse, but being in the anime verse is super annoying.
After a couple of days, We are yet again attacked by a marine squad, with its Lieutenant Commander being able to destroy ships with the flicks of his hand. We escape from him and his fleet when he 'accidently' hits one of his own ships, and we arrive at Ruluka Island. We get hounded by a tax collector who tries to rip us off, but I raise my eyebrows at the sheer stupidity of the situation.
"Why should we pay taxes? we aren't off this island anyways." This pisses the collector off and he screams at us, making the tax collector squad of this island appear in front of us, demanding us to pay the taxes, but Luffy speeds past them since he is hungry, beating up all of them in one fell swoop. Usopp and Nami are scared, but when the others start walking to catch up to Luffy, they have no other option but to follow us.
Usopp and Robin meet Henzo, a scientist who is researching the rainbow mist. This conversation makes me remember what the rainbow mist really is. It is a mist that stops time, a mist that is a gateway to another dimension and one of the phenomena of this world. the restaurant that we all in, gets emptied when another squad of this island, the Dynamo Squad. all of us go outside, where we get to see a dude inside of an armor which is powered up by electricity.
Me and Usopp look at each other and grin, and then look at Chopper, who looks confused. while Luffy is fussing over the coolest suit he has ever seen, and the dude whose name is Lake becomes happy and gets distracted. I immediately disappear while Usopp shoots a smoke bullet which covers Lake's vision. Chopper goes to his muscle point and dashes towards the machine, while I appear behind the people who are powering up the suit and whack them with my shovel, knocking them out.
Chopper holds onto the suit while Usopp Climbs up on top of Chopper and opens the suit, letting Chopper grab Lake and throw him out of the body, and I store the entire suit along with the electricity generator in my storage.
Nami, Sanji, Bentham and Chopper later on decide to go shopping, while we stay with Henzo, who, after hearing about a ship coming to the shore, runs towards it, and sees a mist. He boards the going merry and uses it to leave into the Mist, while Me, Usoop, Robin, Zoro ( who is already in the ship sleeping ) and Luffy jump onto the ship, and go into the Rainbow Mist-
'I Knew it.' hearing about the Rainbow Mist and remembering about it made me have a theory. The Rainbow mist is a dungeon with the effects of time stopping, and as I thought, it is true. i mentally clicked yes, sending me along with the ship towards the Pirate graveyard, the Ape's concert.
We get attacked by 'Ghosts' and arrows, but one single mana shot from me makes them scared enough for the main leader of the 'ghosts', Rapanui who tries to fight Luffy. but that's when it is revealed that Rapanui knows Henzo, since Henzo and him were part of a pirate crew named Pumpkin pirates.
I remember who they are, and realize that these kids were the future marines that were chasing us when coming to Ruluka Island. If they were stuck in this dungeon and were eventually thrown out, they were sent to the timeline THEY were from, not the current timeline.
"Can you figure out a way to escape this place?" Robin looks at me, and for a second I think, before nodding. Since this is a dungeon, my Skill <ESCAPE I.D.> might remove us from this dungeon. but-
"Before that, let's loot the place. I figured out how to escape this dimension." Robin and Usopp understand what I am saying, since this is a dimension and my ability is some kind of dimension making, so it is easier to let me handle the situation. Luffy looks proud while The children and Hanzo look at me in shock, asking me if there is a way.
The leader of these little dumbasses, Rapanui, doesn't trust me, but I tell him to "wait and see" before jumping off the ship along with Robin, Usopp and Luffy to collect all the riches inside this dimension. while doing this, i Notice something peculiar-
The dimensions are similar to how I make them. but the effects are different, so i decided to risk it and create a dungeon inside of an already established dungeon, and as i wanted, it happened.
So, it seems if I have a dungeon that can overpower another dungeon, I can absorb that dungeon. That's awesome. I click on yes, and a crack sound reverberates in the air, but as everyone looks above, nothing has changed. Robin looks at me, and I give her a grin, making her realize that I am 100% sure that I can get us out of here.
Instant Dungeon Create is a skill that allows the user to create a protected space. Stronger instant dungeons may be created according to level.
Currently Available ID list:-
Empty ID :- Monsters - None
Zombie ID:- Monsters - Zombie
Ghost ID:- Monsters - Ghost
Mixed ID:- Monsters - Zombies, Ghost
Rainbow Mist ID:- Monsters - None
Not only did I level up from absorbing the Dungeon, but I also added it to my roster. Now I can use the newest ID along with my others to make Grinding way easier. with the effects of the rainbow Mist where no aging happens, if i spend even a year grinding Dungeons, i still won't age a year physically. meaning-
Oh yeah, I can envision many uses for this.
"Are you guys ready?" i round all of the people up, and after confirmation that they all are ready (Zoro is still asleep), i clap my hand, escaping the dungeon with all of the people on-board-
except the pumpkin pirates, who have been sent back to their TIMELINE. At first, Henzo freaks out, but when i explain their circumstances, he questions why they didn't meet with him earlier on, but he himself answers this question since he is a scientist himself. if the Pumpkin Pirates did meet Henzo in the past, Henzo never would have been obsessed with Rainbow mist, leading to him never going inside it with us, leading to me never absorbing the mist and freeing the kids, which would not have sent them back to their timeline and Hanzo would have become obsessed-
yeah, you get the point. a time paradox would happen where events would be changed and repeated again and again. we reach the island where a group of soldiers wait for us, that being the mayor of the city, Wetton. Zoro wakes up at that moment, and he, along with all of us, defeats the Pirates-turned Government Employees. I even steal Wetton's flame suit, similarly to how i stole his grandson's Lake's Lightning suit.
Eventually, the Marines who chased us before show up, revealing themselves to be the Pumpkin Prate members, reuniting with Henzo and having a tearful celebration. their Commander Rapanui bows to me, thanking me for freeing them and then gives a cover up for the Strawhats to leave, which we gladly take.
After leaving and saying goodbye to Rukia Island, Me and Usopp start working on dissecting our newest steals, and we decide to create some new products for both Usopp and Me.
and, eventually, after a month and a half after leaving Alabasta, IT happens.
It was a chilly day, all of us resting above deck. Usopp and I decided to take a break today after the successful invention of ours, while Chopper sat next to us. Sanji brings some juices for all of us to drink, and we are drinking happily-
"huh?" Chopper looks around in confusion, making Usopp ask him what happened.
"didn't you guys hear it?" Now all of us turn to look at Chopper, who gets up and tries to listen to something-
this time, all of us can hear it, and it feels-
something falls on the sea, and more things start falling into the sea.
"Huh? it's raining?" Nami looks confused, while I look surprised. all of us look upwards-
'Finally. here we go-'
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