Chapter 251: The Cult (21)
The intense moment between Xandros and Rowan continued with one intimidating and one being intimidated. Dragun and Riela could only observe the interaction between both of them, as they possessed no power to interfere. Riela was still hopeful in her lover, for she had heard from a god that he was special. Dragun, on the other hand, lost his hope the moment he met Xandros, as against this person, all hopes are disregarded.
As for Rowan's pets, they placed all their faith in their master, choosing to believe in him at this moment.
At this moment, there was an awkward silence. Only the sound of the house burning echoed in the background.
"I know you, Rowan. You're probably cooking up some sort of plans in your head to take care of me and rescue your wife," Xandros laughed.
"Throughout my little acting as Vishirk, I ensured to study you and your people as best as I could and I have gotten as much knowledge of you guys.
You always act like your little plotting inside your head could make any situation better, you act like you are better than everyone, like you're special.
And those little acts have managed to make your people see you as some sort of divine savior, they see you as their only hope and once you're taken down, they'll willingly accept death as life without you becomes inferior and not worth living."
Xandros continued with his speech.
'Where is this mother fucker getting to with this long ass speech?' Rowan wondered while backing away slowly, as Xandros still hasn't stopped moving closer.
Rowan found his actions extremely weird, but who is an antagonist if they don't act weird? Weird is naturally the backbone and focus point of an antagonist.
Rowan would do nothing more than to shove his long ass sword down his throat and stop him from speaking, but that would basically be him seeking a faster death and the destruction of his territory.
All he could do was act patient, listen to all his bullshit, and reply to his bullshit to make him feel like he is scary in order to buy time or find a loophole in his own act to use against him.
Rowan took several looks at his wife while Xandros spoke, her current state fueling his heart even more to hasten things up and help her.
A few times, he took a look at Dragun.
Dragun was the one who informed him of the village's dire state. But at this point, Rowan could only blame him for bringing Vishirk home that day.
Mistakenly, his eyes landed on the two dark robed bastards holding his wife and father captive, and he felt extremely disgusted.
He secretly swore to himself never to be this weak again — watching annoying people get away with disgusting him is humiliating, almost as humiliating as watching your crush make out with another man, or woman.
Rowan's attention snapped back to Xandros when he asked, "You know what I plan to do to you and your people?"
At that moment, Rowan wanted to give his heartfelt, "How the fuck do you expect me to know what is going inside your fucked up mind."
But he went with the cliche, "W-what are your plans?"
As much as he hated these cliche lines, at this moment, using otherwise would mean his death.
"I plan to bend your image in front of your people and make them see just how pathetic you are. Once they lose that annoying hope in you, I would crush all of them while you watch.." Xandros grinned widely.
'Meh...' was all Rowan thought.
The more Xandros spoke, the weirder he became.
"Please don't hurt my people, you can do anything you want to me but please leave my people out alone." Rowan pleaded.
Of course, he wasn't heroic enough to actually lay down his life for people. He would rather lay down the lives of his enemies for his people than his own.
For the first time, Xandros halted and laughed out loudly at Rowan's heroic words. Even his two minions could not help but laugh, if only Rowan knew who they were talking to.
"If you know how many times I've heard that line and how they failed to change my mind, you'll stop using them." Xandros went on for quite some time, painting a more fearsome image of himself to Rowan.
He even brought up lores about himself to make himself scarier, but Rowan only acted like he was scared to boost his ego. On the contrary, his mind was still plotting out ways to get himself out of this mess.
He asked several questions and Xandros played his part as an antagonist and replied as weirdly as he could.
"What do you really want with me and my people? From all what you've said so far, none of us have actually done anything to make you harbour such hate towards us, heck, none of us knew who you were before now. You're here for something and if you ask, maybe I can give it to you and you will let us go," Rowan asked seriously this time.
"How dare you speak to our boss like that?" The two minions tried to butt in, but Xandros raised his hands to keep them shut.
"Will you hand over yourself and your wife to us willingly?"
Xandros' question surprised Rowan.
"I can hand over myself if that is what you want as long, as for my wife, no can't do." Rowan responded.
Xandros chuckled, "We originally came here because of your wife and not you so how can we leave without her?"
"You came for my wife? Why? What do you want her for? What do you want us for?" Rowan asked, although he already had a bit of a hint.
"You'll know about all that when we get to our destination.." Xandros responded.
Rowan tried to pry for the answer but Xandros was lockedlipped, so he asked another question bothering him, "If you're here for both of us, why then are you holding him captive?" He pointed at Dragun.
Xandros turned to look at Dragun and sharp killing intent suddenly filled the atmosphere.
Seeing this, Rowan didn't need any further explanation to understand Xandros held a grudge against Dragun. Though, he was curious to know, Xandros didn't respond to him.
While all these took place.
Not so far away, floating in the sky above Winterseed were several men clad in purple and gold armors with the crest of Aurorahaven kingdom embedded on their chest plate.
They were about a dozen, each possessed a strong and pure aura and were equipped with swords that brimmed with elegance and power.
These men floated far away from the commotion taking place in Winterseed, observing it with keen eyes. Their perceptions were above average thanks to their powers, thus seeing from such a height and at this hour of the night was not a difficult task for them.
Also, they were being concealed by some powerful artifacts which made it impossible for others to see them or even feel their aura.
"Should we act now?" One of them asked.
"No we shouldn't, this is our chance to find their hideout. We can't miss it."
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