Chapter 639 The exit.
639 The exit.
Without any of them having time to complain, a massive tree shot from behind them at blinding speeds. With their disadvantageous position in the air, blocking wasn't the best option but from the looks of things it seemed like they didn't have many options.
Fortunately, as Blake had given them the warning, he also set up a large gravitational field that went against the pull of the cyclone, around the group, thus slowing down all projectiles making their way in.
"This explains why there are almost no beasts in this area." Brian gritted his teeth as he moved out in time for the tree to zip past them and into the cyclone.
With the amount of terrain shift that was taking place, he was wondering how something like the Dusk Stalker would survive, especially if this was a regular occurrence.
At the same time, the ground below them, once again shot up to insane heights, causing the uprooted objects to crash into them, thus increasing the number of debris coming their way.
"Do something about the rocks!" Damon screamed at Brian who was some meters away dodging and blocking projectiles coming his way.
"I can't, it won't obey me!" Brian replied in frustration and confusion as he failed to manipulate the earth for the umpteenth time.
One of the first things they had checked when they got on the southern continent was if they could use their abilities, and then everything was all right. Even their current mode of flight was a testament to everything being normal. So, he was very confused when it seemed it was only his ability that was failing.
They didn't know that the terrain swap was an anomaly caused by the corruption ushered into the dimension by the ritual.
Just like the distortion field, the terrain swap which was interchanging the different geographical landmarks all around the continent, was also an environmental anomaly. The natural laws that guided all creation had been tampered with, thus the natural method of manipulation which are the pathways would no longer suffice.
"What exactly are we waiting for here?!" Camilla had to ask as the situation had gotten to the point that three of them were now using Water wheels to deflect and block the projectiles coming their way.
'Is it me or is that cyclone coming closer?' Although he could swear that his eyes were not playing tricks on him, Brian didn't dare to voice his discovery.
"More cyclones would be forming soon at random places! We don't want to be in the middle one, so this is the safest place to stay!" Blake explained as he rapidly turned his sight to random points, while simultaneously dodging everything that was coming his way.
"More cyclones?!" The entire team were dumbfounded, they thought that their situation was already chaotic, but that would be childsplay when more cyclones began forming.
"Then why haven't we gone back to the pocket dimension?!" Damon was getting even more confused by the second. Blake elegantly dodged everything as if all this was a walk in the park, but at the same time, he was frantically looking around as if searching for something.
"I have found the exit point of the distortion field, but it keeps moving around." Blake's announcement lit up lights in their eyes, but that soon vanished as a bolt of meter-thick lightning descended from the sky and struck a peak not too far away from them.
To make matters worse, followed after that was a torrent of rain, but that didn't mean the lighting show was over.
"I have a bad feeling that every bad thing happening is gravitating towards us!" Tessie shared her concern about how things were now becoming too much of a coincidence.
'Oh, but when I say it, I get crucified!' Brian complained in his head of course.
"We need to move!"
Blake warned the team, and immediately they shot forward while the gravitational field moved along with them.
The moment they left the area, three Battle-Angel-level thunderbolts hammered down on their previous location at frightening speeds.
"That's not all, we need to keep moving!" Blake informed the team as he swiped his hand to move a boulder coming their way.
Just as they had feared, the thunderbolts were hot on their tails, but that made it even more confusing when Blake stopped in his tracks.
"Why are…" Before Brian could finish his question, a cyclone popped into existence and they were right in the middle of it.
The group simultaneously cursed not only at the appearance of the cyclone but also because of the possible aftermath. If the cyclone could appear out of thin air, the chances of instantly tripling in strength were high. Also, this didn't mean that the thunderbolts couldn't find their way inside.
With only a second of delay to instantly make hundreds of calculations, Blake warped the team outside the cyclone, but that wasn't all.
'Aren't you a little bit predictable?' Blake smirked as he once again warped the team, saving them from a barrage of thunderbolts that descended on their previous location. "What the hell?!" The team were shocked by how insidious whatever was behind this mess was, but that didn't stop them from moving.
At this point, they were utterly confused by what exactly they were dealing with. The unknown entity could create cyclones and terrifying thunderbolts as well as shape the environment as it saw fit.
"Shit!" For the first time, Blake was so frustrated that he spoke outside telepathy. "The exit has stopped moving!"
This was meant to be the good news they had all been waiting for, but when they saw the look on Blake's face, they knew something was wrong.
"Where is it?" Camilla asked.
"See for yourselves." Blake said as he warped them to their initial position when the storm had started.
"Damn…" Brian as well as the entire team were speechless when they saw themselves in the centre of two cyclones.
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