Chapter 26: First step and farewells
Chapter 26: First step and farewells
"I feel like I missed something.." Yin muttered to herself as the defensive preparations were being set up to defend the town of UL.
She sat on a barrel as Hajime and a few of the townspeople set up a defensive wall. Idly, she thought to herself what the annoying nagging feeling she was getting. As if she had forgotten something crucial.
"Oh! That one guy.. Sam..? Joe..? Will..? The guy who was supposed to be in that waterfall." Yin hit her palm in realization, wondering if he ended up dying or not.
Either way, the defense of the town was already underway, so he wasn't needed in that aspect. Given the people of the town look up to Aiko, and she assured them they could handle the wave of monsters coming for them, they all quickly got to work on preparing the defenses. One of the female students helped haul building supplies over to the wall, stopping once she saw Yin just sitting down.
"Hey? Natsu-Er.. Yin? Why aren't you helping out?" she asked with a pout.
"I'm processing Shia's new hammer and making clothes, actually. A big battle like this? We should look our best." Yin said, pointing over to a strange sight.
There looked to be the handle of a warhammer poking out of a barrel full of some sort of cooling liquid, though it was boiling. As if something extremely hot was placed inside. Next to them, were new sets of clothes and black scaled armor pieces.
While the girl admired the craftsmanship of the clothing and hammer, Yin nearly leapt off her seat at the weird notification she got.
[Affection with Hecate: +30]
"What the fuck.. It's not that kind of system though.." Yin muttered, trying to look into it further, to no avail.
"Eh? What was that?" The girl asked, looking over as she tried to peek at the hammer.
"Nothing.. But yeah, this is what I'm doing. Soon as the hammer's done, I'm meeting up with Shia and Yue." Yin shook off the weird feeling and replied.
The girl shrugged and begrudgingly continued her work. Meanwhile, there looked to be an extra person hanging around, inching toward Yin slowly.
"...Yes, Tio?" Yin called out with a slightly disappointed voice.
"Ahem-" Tio awkwardly coughed before walking over with a slightly flushed face.
"Will you... Um.. that is.. Will you be using your true form for this battle?" Tio asked nervously, as if she were stepping on eggshells.
"You, Hajime, Yue and Shia could probably take that approaching army yourselves." Yin
replied, seeing the immediate disappointment on Tio's face.
"...But, there's no kill quite like overkill, right?" Yin smirked, pulling the now cooled hammer out by the handle.
(Hammer pic here, just replace the eye with a gun and make the scales black)
"Woah.... It's-It's made entirely from-"
"My scales, yes. I shed a lot, due to mana saturating them. Rather not just leave them for random people to pick up." Yin replied, seeing Shia and Yue approach.
"Oh! Yes, that makes so much sense! You're still an adolescent Dragon. I suppose that's why your scent is coating Shia, but she's still a virgin. I always felt it odd.." Tio exclaimed, embarrassing the rabbit girl behind her.
"I smell like Yin!?" Shia yelled, inhaling the scent in her clothes deeply.
"Shia..." Yin herself felt at a loss for words as she watched the red faced demihuman try to inhale her scent.
"Oh you would not smell it yourself. It's how young Dragons mark their possessions before going into heat. That way, once they begin their heat cycles, they won't just seek out any random partner, they'll hone in on the one they marked." Tio explained.
"Interesting." Yue added before smirking at Yin.
"Heat.. cycle?" Shia asked, looking a lot more excited.
"Yeah, that's why I have no sex drive yet. Give it.... three? Yeah, three years." Yin answered before giving Shia the hammer and her new clothes.
"Alright enough being lewd. Go change. You too, Yue." Yin then handed Yue her new clothes. "Eh..? What about me?" Tio asked, her face flushing.
Yin glanced at her for a second with a small, mocking smirk. "Kill more monsters than me and I'll consider it. You're still on probation for letting some guy control you."
Tio squirmed in pleasure as the dismissal as Yue, Shia and Yin went inside an empty house to change clothes. Soon after, they came out, dressed in their new clothes. For Shia, a white and red bustier, which emphasized Shia's 'assets', along with a frilly white skirt and long boots adorned with black scales. For Yue, a red long coat, collared black shirt, short red skirt with black scale bracers and black thigh highs that complimented Hajime's outfit. For Yin, she wore something more modest. A black turtleneck covered by a black/violet fur collared longcoat, dark blue jeans and combat boots.
"Looking good. Ready to take on the monsters?" Hajime asked as they walked over to the defensive wall, with Tio clinging onto Yin's waist.
"Oh please. We all know just you guys can solo these weak mobs. You have an Electro- Magnetic Accelerated Gatling gun, all Tio knows are OP flashy AOE attacks, Yue's got town level destruction magic and Shia can throw trees as easily as throwing softballs. What we're here for, is a spectacle. Which is why you convinced Aiko to let the enthusiastic townspeople just sit by and watch, right?" Yin replied with a toothy smirk.
"Heh.. Yeah, we'll wafflestomp them" Hajime snickered. (Wafflestomping being a thing some prisoners do. The act being to stomp literal shit down a shower drain.)
"Save yours for last." Yue pat Yin's shoulder before extending her hand toward the black horde.
Mana quickly gathered at her finger tips before changing elements. Lightning and Gravity fusing to create a destructive spell. Yue raised her hand up as her eyes flashed before swinging it down. A huge dragon head made of lightning and gravity magic roared before crashing down into the center of the horde and killing several hundred monsters at once. "Allow me next!" Tio exclaimed as Hajime and Yue hopped off the wall and into the fray.
Tio held her partially closed hand before unleashing a cone of raging fire, cutting off the monsters beginning to encircle Hajime and Yue. Then she leapt off the wall and strut towards the horde gracefully while Hajime took out his gatling gun and turned the rest of the charging wave to pieces before carving out two massive chunks of the earth with his transmutation
"Woah... they're all so impressive.." Shia muttered in awe before she was snapped out of it with a pat on her shoulder, courtesy of Yin.
"Magic may not be your forte, but even you can accomplish feats like that. That hammer's not just for show. Imbue your mana into it." Yin suggested.
Shia's eyes widened before she focused, guiding her mana into the hammer. She felt the scale choker get warm as the hammer's head ignited in azure flames. The built-in gun within the head activated, waiting for Shia to fire it. Yin pat her lower back and snorted in amusement at her gobsmacked face.
"Swing it. Aim at the horde and release your mana." Yin whispered teasingly close to her
rabbit ears.
"Haaaa.... right!!" Shia, with a rather pleased yet red face exclaimed, swinging the hammer in an arc before spinning on her heel and releasing her mana.
A huge sphere of ultra bright blue flames shot out of the hammer, arcing over Hajime's head and falling upon the group of the now scared monsters. A moment later and yet another five thousand monsters perished in a sea of blue flames. Shia exhaled before smiling down at the warhammer, her grip tightening around it possessively.
"Like it? I came up with the artillery function after creating a particular move in my true form. It's connected to the choker, so it'll come flying back to you, in case you threw-" Yin was cut
off when Shia hugged her all of a sudden.
"Thank you!" Shia said with a pleased smile.
"No problem. We're not done yet. Still have the final move left. Plus, Hajime, Yue and Tio are gonna kill more than me at this rate if I wait any longer." Yin huffed before transforming, much to the shock and alarm of the townspeople, Aiko and the students behind her.
[#%@* Dragon's Wrath: Activated. Priming... complete]
A Black Dragon stood on the wall, stretching its hand out and placing Shia on her back before her amber/violet eyes glanced back at the shocked humans behind it. Her pride swelled as she spread her powerful wings and shot out into the sky. Tio looked up in awe and reverence as the midnight Black Dragon flew over them. Despite being an adolescence, it was still over ten meters bigger than her own dragon form. She felt compelled to follow after her, to transform and follow the superior Dragon, but held back.
"Ah.. no no. This isn't the time. Her unofficial announcement to the world months ago.. And now, the official announcement to the world.. Ahh~ I can feel my blood boiling." Tio muttered, glancing at the knowing smirks of Hajime and Yue.
Yin's shadow eclipsed the horde of monsters as she reached the last half. Thirty-three
thousand remained, just a little over half left. Shia held onto her horns and watched as an ungodly amount of mana circulated around and within Yin's body. The beating of her heart heard, even from Hajime's position as she opened her mouth.
A massive amount of light blue light flew down into the horde, slowly spreading as the confused and afraid monsters tried to throw their weapons at the Black Dragon. Pure mana flowed down into the sea of monsters until Yin's chest glowed a deep blue.
"Wait... is she...? Oh shit.. Haha! You can actually do that!?" Hajime laughed, watching as the bright blue light traveled from the center of Yin's chest, up to her neck before she closed her
And then reopened it, allowing an ultra bright blue light to slowly descend into the mana drenched horde of monsters. As if a star was down. It gra lly fell onto a panicking monster, where it ignited into a massive blue explosion that shook the ground for miles, leaving nothing behind but shadows, etched into the surface of the ground. The immediate vicinity burned so hot, the crater the explosion made was burned to glass.
Yin descended, undoing her transformation just before hitting the ground and landing with Shia piggyback riding her back in front of an amused Hajime, an impressed Yue and a
slackjawed Tio.
"You really pulled a 'Sapphire of the Emperor' on them huh? How much mana was that?" Hajime asked with a small appreciative grin.
"About.. a million. Definitely an ultimate move kind of thing." Yin replied with a shrug.
"That was... incredible! You designed my hammer based on that!?" Shia asked, lowering her head to face Yin, before being placed back down.
"Eventually I'll replicate it so you can do it perfectly. Eventually..." Yin looked off to where someone was trying to flee, while several fox-like monsters began to attack them. "Tch.." Yin grabbed one leaping at Shia by the neck before snapping it and tossing it to the
"Handle these. I'll go deal with the ringmaster." Yin spat before activating 'Accelerate' and running after the fleeing figure, a murderous-beastly aura flowing off her as she chased. "Ahh~! Such a murderous aura...!" Tio squirmed on the ground, earning dispassionate glares
from Yue and Hajime.
Shimizu looked back, briefly catching a black blur that caught him by the neck before sliding
to a stop.
"Gk... aau... hur...ts..." Shimizu clawed at Yin's hand to no avail.
"Hm.... Aiko'd be disappointed if she knew I killed you. Maybe.. just maybe you should 'disappear'?" Yin thought aloud, using her thumb to raise his chin and get a good look at him.
"Why..? I was... shpossed to be.... the hero....." Shimizu choked out between indignant tears, only to hear a mocking laugh.
"Why? What kind of hero acts like this? You wanted to be a hero, so you chose to do.. what?
Wag your bitch tail at any offer that gives you power? Work for anyone who gives you a scrap of power? Ya feel like the 'protagonist' now, Emozu? I don't care.. about being on the human's side or not. It's about your principles. And what annoys me oh so much, is that you have none. The most honorable thing you can do? Is to disappear here and now. Aiko, and maybe a few others may make up a story about how you were controlled or led astray. You're
welcome." Yin snorted before clenching her fist.
Blue flames enveloped his body after he fell, quickly burning him to ashes. [Your time in this world has run its course.. For now- You'll be allowed to return once you
turn 18. Time will be slower here than back in Remnant, so you'll still be in time for a few
events, so don't worry. I'll give you a few minutes to say your goodbyes. And.. I'll let you take Shia over with you, since you and her are still 'Huntsman' level in your Remnant. And, a fair warning. Until now, you've skated by without much notice. No longer will that be the case. I told you, this Remnant is very different from Canon. The world is a few tiers higher than normal. Kaiju Grimm, Hidden local Deities, Dungeons, Factions and powerful Immortals await to test you.
Once you set foot back in Remnant, they will take notice of your mana. Your awakenings will continue until you reach the Zenith of your Draconic Bloodline. I wish you good luck- Hecate, Goddess of Balance]
Yin sighed, feeling an invisible weight rest itself on her shoulders. She had much to do when
she returned home. She quietly walked back to her group, until another message came through, nearly tripping her.
[PS: Also! Tell Hajime if he talks shit about me again I'll cast Testicular Torsion on him!]
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