Lydia felt today's shift to be a little longer than usual. She couldn't fully focus on her work unlike last time, either she was nervous about meeting Ahko after a very long time, or the fact that her friend who she thought couldn't even hurt a fly, killed 3 innocent party members and left the healer alive for some reason.
Dawn came, and Lydia was waiting for someone to take her shift, she waited impatiently, stomping her feet in preparation to dart out of the guilds and go to the place where Ahko was probably there.
She saw a familiar face walk into the guilds, usually, she waited for him until he was at her section but not this time, she had something more important to do.
She rushed out of the guilds and sprinted to her house as quickly as possible. Once she was outside of her house, she noticed her front window being a little open, and she knows damn well who did it. She stomped heavily to her front door and unlocked it.
Once inside she sees someone sitting on the dining table in the darkness. The lights from the outside help a bit to cast some kind of dramatic scene of someone waiting for their partner to arrive.
"I'm here as promised.."
"... You don't have to be so dramatic about it!! Lit up a candle or something!!"
"This entrance is nice after I disappeared for months.."
"Where is the cute and innocent Ahko that I know!? Who the hell are you!?"
"Just her but different."
Lydia clicked her tongue when she heard Ahko's response, she sighed and put up some firewood into the fireplace then lit them on fire, finally lightening up the whole room and also giving them some warmth from the outside coldness, then She sat on the opposite side of Ahko.
"... Tell me everything." Lydia asked with a serious expression.
"... What do you mean...?"
"Why did you kill them...?"
"... Who...?"
"Layla's party. Why did you kill them..?"
"Hmmm? Because they were in my way."
"In your way..? They are trying to help you destroy the dungeon!"
"I already cleared the dungeon, I just didn't destroy it until they came."
"Y-You already cleared it before they came...? How long did it take you?"
"About a day after I accepted the mission."
"A DAY!?"
"Calm down now, you don't want to make anyone hear outside of this house." Ahko pointed at the opened window she went in earlier.
Lydia quickly opened the window wide to see if anyone heard them talking, she poked her head outside and looked at her surroundings but seeing no one, she shut off the window door and went back to her seat.
"The journey from here to the dungeon took 3 days minimum!"
"I know, I got stronger and faster."
"And you just stay in the dungeon for how long!?"
"A week I think."
"A week!? What the hell are you doing in there for a week!?"
"Their cores."
"Just for their cores!?" Lydia yelled
"Yep." Ahko answered nonchalantly
"... When did they go inside the dungeon."
"The last day I was in there, then... you know." Ahko made a gesture on how she killed the party members
"Ah... W-Why...?"
"I told you, they were in my way."
"H-How exactly...?"
"They were going to take the cores."
"There's no way you only think about money when there are a lot more different methods, this is simply inefficient. The 41 silver coins is barely enough to supply you for 2 months..."
"1 Week inside the goblin dungeon for 2 months of living is a fair price."
"... Are you even Ahko?"
"I am."
"Pull off that hood."
"... You are not going to like it."
"Pull. It. Off." Lydia ludges towards Ahko trying to pull her hood but Ahko managed to keep them put.
"That's not very nice of you.."
"Pull it off."
"Alright, don't say I didn't warn you."
Ahko slowly pulls her hood down. 2 dark purple horns stick out like a sore thumb and her blueish skin doesn't make it any better at all. Lydia's eyes widened when she saw what her friend had become.
"Y-Y-You are a demon!!??"
"Lesser demon but yes."
"H-H-How!? W-Why!?? W-When-"
"Take a deep breath before you overwhelm me with questions."
"I-I-I..." Lydia slid her chair backward a little bit and took a deep breath to try to calm her mind. She keeps looking at Ahko up and down as if she's looking at a stranger.
"H-How did you become a demon...?"
"I have been reborn... I think reborn is not the right answer, more like... A powerful demon turns me into a demon."
"I... What?"
"What part do you not understand?"
"I never heard, no. There's no case of a human getting turned into a demon..."
"Well, now you've seen one yourself."
"... Ahko... When you meant you become stronger, you meant you made a deal with a demon?"
"You can say that."
"... Why...?"
"... You already know the reason."
"Ah... R-Right..."
"It happened almost a month ago."
"Only a month ago?"
"By far the darkest night and the brightest night yet."
"What do you mean by darkest...?"
"I almost died but I got revived, darkest and brightest though the brightest might as well come from the fire in the underworld."
"... What happened in months ago...?"
"... A lot, mostly raping."
"I-I guess that couldn't be handled..."
"Hahaha, you don't need to worry about that anymore, I've changed, and for the better." Ahko laughs it off as if it's only a minor inconvenience past for her.
"That demon characteristic really getting into you huh...?"
"Sure did~"
"Hahaha..." Lydia awkwardly laughs.
"Anyways, is there any more questions?"
"About those 2 beastkins-"
"They are my slave, I bought them."
"Uh huh... Do they know...?"
"Of course, they know why would their mistress hide her darkest secret from them?"
"You seem like you want to show off your demon appearance..."
"I do but at my current strength, I'd rather not take any risk."
"You want to show the world how humanity betrayed you and now you betrayed them?"
"I just give them a payback."
"... Hah... Ahko... I couldn't help you anymore... You have to deal with all of this yourself okay?"
"I'm more capable than you think."
"I hope so..."
"Well then..." Ahko stood up and went to the front door.
"See you soon Lydia."
"This is it... The Mansion of Menry."
Decided today to be the day she gets her revenge on the man who kidnapped her and killed her parents, Ken Menry. When she finds out her parents got killed by unknown people, she is very saddened, and throughout a couple of months she's been taken care of by Lydia, but one day when she goes out to get groceries, she gets kidnapped. Though more or less, since the kidnapping really just 2 guards dragging her somewhere.
People are looking at her in confusion, what kind of crime did she commit when she's only a G rank? But it felt more like another type of humiliation rather than actual arrest, she's getting dragged from one side of the city to the other, words spread to every corner of the city, people talking about the G rank girl getting dragged by the guards but not to the guard's station where criminals usually getting put, most just laughs it off from what they heard, it's probably another humiliation by the guards.
The guards never really bat an eye when it comes to Ahko, even some of them even participate in harassing her. Even Lydia knows about this but she can't do anything to stop them, if she did she would probably get the same type of treatment as her, and she always gets bullied if she goes outside so Lydia didn't think that much about it.
She doesn't realize that action will cause Ahko to be what has she become. When Ahko finally put down, she found herself in front of a big mansion, one of the most luxurious things she has ever seen in her entire life, then a man came out from the mansion door and greeted her in front of the gates. He introduces himself as Ken Menry.
He then orders the guards to take Ahko to a place inside the mansion, naive Ahko thinks she's gonna get some kind of position in the mansion, maybe becoming a maid or something like that, but it doesn't take her long to realize that she's being dragged somewhere sinister, somewhere dark.
The area is dark, with only some torches lightly dimming up the area, the most prominent things are the prison cells divided into 6 cells but none of them have any residents in them. It's dark, empty, dusty, and eerie. The guards throw her to an open cell and then lock the cell leaving her alone in the cell.
Ahko screamed for mercy, she didn't what she had done but she didn't want to be left in here completely alone, what was going to come up next? Death by starvation? Is that what they wanted? She only got her answer when multiple men came down to the basement and looked at her with their mouths watery and their eyes locked into her breasts and pussy.
They barged in trying to take her inside first before getting to her other holes. She screams but only gets muffled by multiple grunts and the dirty talk of them. As she gets raped, she can see Ken just watching from the top of the staircase, his eyes are cold and indifferent as if this gang-raped is not worth his time.
When the rounds upon rounds of raped are finished, she gets a small break by getting a few foods like soggy bread and water. Occasionally, Ken would come down and talk to her, not as a slave-master type conversation, but as friends. He sat down beside her disgusting state and talked like how friends normally talk. Even rarer instances when he gives some luxury food that is wasted from the dining table to her as a "kind gesture", it's one of the times when she feels peace in the dark basement, but that food doesn't last for long.
She asked why would he do this to her. He answered honestly, "Because of money." Ahko didn't catch on to his answer and he answered again. Tears ran down her cheeks as anger boiled her blood, she clenched her fist, ready to punch Ken but suddenly Ken dropped sentences that forever destroyed her heart. "I killed your parents." "I ordered my men to take out them." "I could've just kidnapped you." "But I didn't."
From then on, she let the men rape her broken body, she let them do whatever they wanted to her, and all she can think of is when she would die. Ken still tries to talk to her but she leaves him in silence while not eating her food, but since he still wants more profits out of her, he lets the men force feed her the food, sometimes not even food, it's something else.
But as more time passed, more men started to get bored of her, at this point almost the whole city used her as some sort of dick pleasure. When Ken sees the earnings are not that much compared to months ago, he leaves her in the empty shed across the city and puts his guards in charge of her.
They did use her for a couple more weeks but also gets bored when she's just taking their dicks and not reacting to it. The guards also didn't want to use her anymore and so Ken ordered the 4 men to kill her and end her misery once and for all, but it failed.
The Mansion isn't exactly large but it's enough to be one of the biggest mansions in Priya, guards in every corner of the Mansion even outside of it, but Ahko managed to not get caught.
She entered the garden by going over the tall fences. There she found some maids talking in the garden, they didn't even notice someone had infiltrated the Mansion.
As quick as their eyes blink, their heads have been separated from their bodies. Blood covered the green grass and the smell of flowers had been overpowered by the smell of blood.
Ahko entered the Mansion and started slaughtering everyone inside the mansion. Guards, maids, butlers, no one is safe from her wrath. The guards aren't as strong as the bandits so she can freely do whatever she wants before killing them.
10 minutes later, the first-floor residents have been entirely wiped out, not even a single scream has come out from the victims, just a lot of talking and then silence. As she went to the 2nd floor of the Mansion, she saw more guards, maids, and butlers being distracted by whatever they were doing, not even realizing they were going to join their friends in the afterlife.
"Alright, it's only this corridor left and it's all over."
The corridor that led to the most important rooms. There are 8 rooms side by side in the corridor but only one of them she wants to go to. The office, since she doesn't know which one is the office, she goes to every room. Most of them look like luxurious bedrooms that were abandoned or left a while ago.
"Looks like these rooms are maybe his wives' and children's rooms, I was hoping to find them in there and kill them just as he killed them..."
The last room left, once she goes inside and kills him it's all over for now. She entered the room, the room was definitely the room where she was looking for, it looked like an office but there was no one in there. She thought maybe he and his family had gone out somewhere and would be back, she then looked around trying to find something valuable but there was nothing that caught her interest.
Suddenly, while she was busy searching, she felt a powerful and sinister presence breathing down her neck. She tries to jump away but it's already too late, a hand has already locked her into place. She tries to slash whoever is gripping her neck, but to no avail, her arm length is too short to stab him.
"You've been looking for revenge am I right, Ahko?"
"!! That voice! It's definitely him!! I'll kill him!!"
Once Ahko heard that voice her struggle became more intense, she screamed to the top of her lungs when the hand squeezed her neck and almost broke her spinal cords. Ahko had to drop her dagger since she couldn't control her hand anymore, Ken turned her around and pulled off her hood.
"Would you look at that, you are a demon. How is that possible, I have no idea but I do know you are not on my level yet." Ken said in a calming voice.
"Y-You..! L-L-Let me go!" Ahko protested weakly as blood came out of her mouth.
"You killed so many people in just a couple of minutes, impressive of you." Ken chuckles as if he doesn't even care about his subordinates.
"Y-Y-You..! Y-You p-planned t-this o-out!!" Ahko realized.
"When my guard told me that you were missing from the shed, I knew you were coming after me."
"O-Of c-course t-that's o-obvious, b-but h-how d-did y-you k-know...?" It's getting harder and harder to breathe and speak
"You have a lot to know about A ranks."
She felt an excruciating pain on her neck and the world fades into darkness.
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